News — vendor

Featured Artist: Annie from Skin Owl


Featured Artist: Annie from Skin Owl

SkinOwl's sole mission is to educate you about your skin & deliver the best products, so that skin "care" can be the catalyst to caring about every genuinely important facet of your life.  

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Featured Artist: Holly from Eclectic Ramshackle


Featured Artist: Holly from Eclectic Ramshackle

I come from a family of painters, creative wood working and illustrators. My parents had me in art class from 1st grade on! Photographer & MarComm & design by trade. Currently still part time MarComm but full time Eclectic Ramshackle.Finding beauty in the ordinary means never ordinary pieces. Color. Texture. Sound. Smell. Touch. Shape. Every single thing I see can inspire a piece of jewelry or something else entirely depending on the day.Inspiration comes form everything you see, feel, hear or touch. Texture, color, a cool breeze, cold concrete under your toes can all be inspiring to create something amazing. That’s...

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Meet Matt Wolfe with Sawtooth Glass Project


Meet Matt Wolfe with Sawtooth Glass Project

Here at Handmade Idaho, we feel its important to introduce our vendors to the world. We asked everyone 6 questions to help you get to know our talented group of makers. What drew you to glass? I took art classes in high school, as many as I could: macrame, ceramics. Was never good at drawing … then I saw someone blow glass. I was instantly drawn to it. How long have you been blowing glass? For 20 years. Started right out of high school. Had a few “regular jobs”, now I just blow glass. What is your favorite thing to make? Cups &...

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Meet Makenzie Stephen with Mak Made


Meet Makenzie Stephen with Mak Made

1. What drew you to jewelry design? I have always loved working with my hands, and grew up drawing and playing with clay. After graduating I decided to go to school to get my Bachelors in Fine Arts in Portland, OR, with an emphasis in Ceramic sculpture. While I was in school I took a couple metal classes for fun, that is where I truly fell in love with metal. I haven’t stopped making jewelry since.  2. How long have you been a jeweler? I originally started making jewelry when I was 18. I had gotten a job working at a bead...

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Meet Cathy Lapinel of Lapinel Arts Leatherwork


Meet Cathy Lapinel of Lapinel Arts Leatherwork

What drew you to leather? The endless possibilities of creating an original functional, wearable, fun and quality products. How long have you been doing leatherwork? Going on eight years now. What is your favorite thing to make? To hand tool and paint a bag which is probably the most difficult thing for me to make.  What is your favorite part of the creative process? Looking at the pile of hides and knowing I have the freedom to create whatever I want from it. When you aren’t working with leather, what can we find you doing? Taking my dogs for a walk in the foothills or...

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