Here at Handmade Idaho, we feel its important to introduce our vendors to the world. We asked everyone 6 questions to help you get to know our talented group of makers.
- What drew you to glass? I took art classes in high school, as many as I could: macrame, ceramics. Was never good at drawing … then I saw someone blow glass. I was instantly drawn to it.
- How long have you been blowing glass? For 20 years. Started right out of high school. Had a few “regular jobs”, now I just blow glass.
- What is your favorite thing to make? Cups & vessels. Challenging because I have to control the wall thickness, shape and other fine details.
- What is your favorite part of the creative process? I love the entire process! Every detail is mind-blowing.
- When you aren’t blowing glass, what can we find you doing? Spending time with the family, “real world” obligations, but my world revolves around blowing glass. My favorite quote is: “Business is a side effect of my lifestyle.” I also love being part of the IdahoMade community, doing art shows; I like the camaraderie, similar lifestyles, I love being around people who are passionate about what they do and make.
Coffee or Tea? Coffee with heavy cream. Hands down. 11 times out of 10, coffee.